Thank you for supporting us

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This is a belated appreciation letter to all of our customers and vendors –

We would like to thank all of our customers and vendors in choosing us and making the journey for a greener future with the help of solar rooftop system this financial year. Your contribution matter a lot to us and what you have achived is commendable. Even if you have done this to reduce your electricity bills, you also have chosen to reduce carbon emission with the help of solar. It send a very powerful message to everyone that we can do it. We can make our planet green again.

We also would like to congratulate you to help us reach a milestone of 2MW++ installation with a total customer customer added to our family being 1000+. This was beyond our imagination and this milestone cannot be achived if you all wouldn’t have believed in us.

Thank you again for supporting us and we appreciate if you can take a small amount of time in reviewing us for our serives on google.

Thank you all and we will see you again next year with a new subsidy.

– Team Som Energy Systems


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